Vol 12, No 2 (2024)

Explaining Combat Stress аnd its Effects on Decision Making in the Theatre of Operation

Aleksandra Dimitrovska


Combat stress and decision-making process in dynamic contexts are almost unexplored and still incompletely clear to the scientific community. On the other side, both are some key aspects of combat performance. Operational psychology is focused on using psychological knowledge in enhancing operational performance. First is necessary to understand their nature and relationship, in the direction of making strategies for training and dealing. Stress is productive when is optimal, while decision making process has its specifics in dynamic and risk contexts. Stress has an impact on decision making process, but their relationship is still unclear, as well as whether they can be seen as a related concept or separate phenomena. However, both are based on certain psychological processes, whose understanding and impact can lead to necessary changes in performance as a human behavior, and whose are base for mental readiness training programs. It is recommended to include these programs within the basic military training, to enhance military performance.

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Combat stress; Operational performance; Decision-making; Military psychology.

Publication information

Volume 12, Issue 2
Year of Publication: 2024
ISSN: 1857 - 8721
Publisher: EDNOTERA

How to cite

Dimitrovska A.: Explaining Combat Stress аnd its Effects on Decision Making in the Theatre of Operation. Journal of Applied Economics and Business, Vol 12, No. 2, 5-19. (2024)