
Call for papers for the Vol. XII, Issue 3 of the Journal of Applied Economics and Business (JAEB)

Journal of Applied Economics and Business

Call for papers for Vol. XII, Issue 3


Dear Authors,

You are cordially invited to submit or recommend articles to the Journal of Applied Economics and Business (JAEB, ISSN: 1857-8721), which is an international peer-reviewed, open access academic journal that publishes original research articles. JAEB is a space for academics, researchers and professionals to share latest ideas. It provides a forum for knowledge dissemination on broad spectrum of issues related to applied economics and business.  
More information about the journsal can be found at:

Submissions should be made by email on the following email address using the paper template.

Deadline: 20 August 2024


Aims & Scope (not limited to the following fields)

Applied Economics

  • Financial Economics
  • Managerial Economics
  • Monetary Economics
  • Corporate Governance
  • Institutional Economics
  • Environmental Economics


  • Enterpreneurship
  • Management Information System
  • Strategic Management
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Change Management
  • Organisational Behaviour



About Open Access

The journal provides immediate open-access to its content on the principle that makes research freely available to public thus supporting global exchange of knowledge.


Article Procesing Charges

The Journal charges 100 USD which is for journal development only covering the costs of the review process, typesetting, online publication and long term archiving.