Vol 4, No 1 (2016)

Organizational Justice, Trust and Organizational Commitment in Banking Sector of Pakistan

Qaisar Iqbal, Basheer Ahmad


Causal relationship between organizational justice and organizational commitment is investigated through this study. Organizational justice is assumed to be tripartite as distributive justice, interactional and procedural justice; however, here it has been measured on the basis of procedural and distributive justice. This research has also investigated the impact of organizational trust as mediator. The units of analysis are the employees of private commercial Banks operating in the jurisdiction of District Attock, Punjab, Pakistan. Survey method has been used to gather the viewpoints of employees through convenience sampling technique. Two hundred and fifty respondents shared their feelings with us through structured questionnaire. Regression analysis technique is used to analyze our hypotheses. Barron and Kenny (1986) approach has been used to explore the influence of mediator on predictor and outcome variables. Study was concluded with the result that there is Strong impact of organizational justice is observed over organizational commitment. Trust has significance role in development of organizational commitment in organizational perspective.

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Organizational Justice; Organizational Trust; Organizational Commitment; Distributive Justice; Procedural Justice.

Publication information

Volume 4, Issue 1
Year of Publication: 2016
ISSN: 1857 - 8721
Publisher: EDNOTERA

How to cite

Iqbal Q., Ahmad B.: Organizational Justice, Trust and Organizational Commitment in Banking Sector of Pakistan. Journal of Applied Economics and Business, Vol 4, No. 1, 26-43. (2016)